David Southworth, a California-licensed attorney and candidate for an LLM degree in May 2009, has been named to the State Bar of California Environmental Section's Legislation Committee.
The Legislation Committee tracks environmental and energy legislation pending in the California General Assembly, and prepares technical comments on bills that the Committee determines are appropriate for, and signicant enough, to warrant comment. Mr. Southworth will take the lead regarding oil and gas industry legislation.
"The California legislature has been quite active in regulating the oil industry in the past," Mr. Southworth said. "Last year alone, five new bills passed in response to the Cosco Busan spill in San Francisco Bay. This key sector fits well with my own experience as in the past I have prepared oil spill plans for marine transportation companies and onshore and offshore oil field service companies under both the Texas Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act of 1991 and the federal Oil Pollution Act of 1990."
The Legislation Committee tracks environmental and energy legislation pending in the California General Assembly, and prepares technical comments on bills that the Committee determines are appropriate for, and signicant enough, to warrant comment. Mr. Southworth will take the lead regarding oil and gas industry legislation.
"The California legislature has been quite active in regulating the oil industry in the past," Mr. Southworth said. "Last year alone, five new bills passed in response to the Cosco Busan spill in San Francisco Bay. This key sector fits well with my own experience as in the past I have prepared oil spill plans for marine transportation companies and onshore and offshore oil field service companies under both the Texas Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act of 1991 and the federal Oil Pollution Act of 1990."
For more information on Mr. Southworth's role with the Legislation Commitee, click here.