The Water Law Review is unique among American law school journals since it focuses entirely on water law. It includes the highest quality articles from the leading figures in water law. Moreover, student prepared summaries of key water cases are valuable to all water practitioners.
Chairing the annual dinner marked one of the final responsibilities for current editor-in-chief, Ryan McLane, who received a standing ovation for his contributions to the Review. It also provided incoming editor-in-chief Matt Brodahl an opportunity to look ahead to next year's issues. Many of the Review's impressive staff of students were also on hand to enjoy the evening.
The Water Law Review really is one of the "crown jewels" at Denver Law. A highly respected source of the most current information about water developments, The Water Law Review is consulted each year by many of the nation's top water lawyers. In fact, a recent article has resulted in a currently on-going debate in Montana about whether to revise the state's water policy.
Joining in the dinner and collegiality were several individuals who have also been strong supporters of the Water Law Review including water law expert Professor George (Rock) Pring, faculty advisor since the inception of the Review, and Professor Tom Romero, who also teaches water law and will be joining Professor Pring as a faculty advisor. Both received warm applause from students who benefit enormously from their expertise and guidance. Professor and Associate Dean Fred Cheever also attended along with Adjunct Professor Star Waring, who teaches Water Law and has been involved in a recent series of the most important cases involving Colorado water law.
This annual event marks a proud night in Denver Law's long-standing commitment to environmental and natural resources law. Few institutions anywhere can boast of such an impressive group of professionals -- professors, students, members of the water law and policy community -- involved with water law.
Prospective law students who are interested in water issues should seriously consider Denver Law as a place to learn about water law as well as rub shoulders with sterling leaders such as Professors Cheever, Pring, Romero, and Warring as well as current students who are the water law and policy leaders of tomorrow.
Don C. Smith
Environmental and Natural Resources Law
Environmental and Natural Resources Law