In March of last year, I began writing a blog about the Environmental and Natural Resources Law & Policy Graduate Program.
I am delighted to report that nearly one year on, there has been substantial interest in the blog (in the form of thousands of hits from all over the globe) and plenty to write about in terms of the program's successful graduates, our current students, our professors, the "second to none" curriculum at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, activities at the law school, current trends in the environmental and natural resources areas, and the multitude of projects associated with the greater ENRGP community (that is to say adjuncts, interested individuals, companies and so on).
When I first thought about the blog, I came up with the name "Environment21" for lack of anything else. But now, as we near the blog's first birthday, I would like to ask all of you to submit suggestions for a new name (or whether we should simply carry on with the current name). Here are several thoughts that have crossed my mind about why a new name might be useful:
- The blog is not simply about environmental issues; many natural resources and energy issues are also covered.
- The blog covers developments from all over the world; should that be reflected in the name?
- The blog attempts to cover key activities and events that involve each of us as individuals as well as all of us collectively.
As an incentive for you to give us your ideas, we have established a "prize" for the winning suggestion. Lucy and I have picked out some DU-related merchandise that the winner will receive.
Finally, I have one other request for everyone. This involves asking you for your ideas for content for the blog. If you have done something that you want others to know about, are involved in a project that would be of interest to the entire community, or simply have written something (or presented on a topic) that you think should be made available to a larger audience, please send it to me. One of my goals for the second year of the blog is to include more information that comes from all of you. In that regard, you will now be seeing from time-to-time opinion pieces written by members of the community. When posting these pieces, I will make sure that readers know who is writing it and how to reach you.
We are extremely fortunate to be members of a vibrant and special community, and I want to make sure that we are plugged in to the important work and activities that tie us together as a community.
--Don C. Smith