In fact, as a community -- students, graduates, professors, and friends of the program -- we meet regularly and enjoy the company of others in the group. Our most recent gathering recognized the May 2009 LLM and MRLS graduates. It was quite an event with nearly 45 people in attendance on a night that was marked by a spring blizzard!
Despite the cold weather, everyone had a great time. Dean Beto Juarez spoke to the gathering and I recognized alumni and current students from the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. I also pointed that the 2008-2009 year has marked the most diverse class ever for the program. This year we have had students from Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, and the United States. It's been a terrific group of students.
Entertainment was provided by Diego Parravicini (of San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina, 2008 LLM graduate) and Marcelo Olivares (of Santiago, Chile, 2009 LLM graduate), who played their guitars and sang folk songs from their native countries. Lucy Daberkow, our assistant program director, did her usual wonderful job in organizing la fiesta!
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