Despite the fact that in the U.S. emissions trading is in its infancy, emissions trading in Europe is a major new field of opportunity. Last year, for example, about $92 billion of the $126 bill carbon market was based in Europe thanks to the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS), which was put into place in 2005.
How about the U.S.? Well federal legislators continue to stumble along with various half-baked proposals, some of which this blog has commented on in the past. China and India? Your guess is as good as my son Paco's. But suffice it to say, there is no federal legislation in place in any of these climate laggards.
Anyway, the FT has published an extremely interesting and useful article ("Making Profits For a Cleaner Cause," July 30, 2009) that explains, "The people behind the emissions market are an unusual alliance of commercially minded traders, former development workers, and environmentalists."

If emissions trading interests you, be sure to read this article and do some research on the companies mentioned in the piece.
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