On today's Denver Post op-ed page, Prof. Nanda offers his observations about the just completed UN Climate Change Conference in a piece entitled, "Not all Lost at Copenhagen Climate Talks." Everyone interested in the international policy aspects of the climate change issue should take time to read Prof. Nanda's sage observations.

"The conference's shortcomings have made climate change skeptics happy. But, this accord, while watered down, must be welcomed. If the Copenhagen meeting had adjourned without even this framework document, it would have been potentially disastrous, as the momentum of the last 10 years would have come to naught. Although total failure was avoided, the need will be to pursue the initiative with vigor. The United States and China, especially, need to work together with the newly emerging countries and the European Union so there can be a legally binding treaty next year."When trying to understand a complex issue, there is no substitute for the perspective that can be offered by an experienced and respected voice. That is why what Prof. Nanda says is so important.
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