"Colorado's electricity sector is moving into an era where it must address a relatively new challenge -- carbon dioxide emission reduction," the report says. "And in so doing, the sector must continue to emphasize system reliability, the need for infrastructure upgrades, and strategic planning to minimize the economic and environmental costs into the future. These, and other, interrelated challenges are the subject of [the report]."
In the minds of many, Colorado is at "ground zero" in the nation's efforts to move towards what has been tabbed "the new energy economy." Gov. Ritter has claimed the moniker of "the new energy economy" as his own. Whether it is may be open to question. But what is not open to question is the state's commitment to renewables and energy efficiency, with many key law firms, businesses, and government institutions in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains working diligently on one of the most challenging energy-related questions faced by the nation.
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