According to the Governor, the law will create thousands of new jobs and result in 100,000 solar rooftops between now and 2020. Please click here to listen to Gov. Ritter's remarks about this historic legislation.
In signing the legislation, Gov. Ritter said, "Today we continue to chart a new course for Colorado's New Energy Economy and America's clean energy economy. Colorado is giving every state and the entire nation a template for tomorrow. This is a game-changer. We are transforming the future of Colorado and our country."
Over the past six years Colorado's renewable energy goals for electricity generation by 2020 have increased from zero in 2003, to 10 percent in 2004, to 20 percent in 2007, to 30 percent in 2010. The law calls for three percent of the 30 percent to be met by local solar power.
The measure, which was supported by the state's largest electricity provider Xcel Energy, was embraced by Environment Colorado (EC). "Today we've truly 'hit it out of the park,' taking Colorado's vision for new energy future to the big leagues," Pam Kiely, program director with EC, said.
As this blog has reported many times, Colorado is at the center of the nation's new energy economy. Come learn about it at the Sturm College of Law, where you will find an impressive and steadily increasing offering of energy and renewable energy offerings taught by the nation's best renewable energy policy and technology experts and practitioners.
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