Through enormous personal courage and leadership, Dr. King worked tirelessly and at great personal risk to take his message of nonviolent opposition to segregation to every corner of America. In recognition of his efforts and passion, Dr. King was awarded the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize.
In a 2007 speech, Warren M. Washington, a world renown expert on climate change and senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, located near Denver, reminded all of us of Dr. King's concern "about environmental issues and public health" and noted that these issues have disproportionately harmed minorities and the poorest in the U.S.
The University of Denver is closed in honor of Dr. King.
May Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy and inspiration burn brightly for those of us who remember him and for all of those yet to come in America and every country in the world.
Don C. Smith
Environmental and Natural Resources Program
Environmental and Natural Resources Program
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