A major challenge with renewable energy is the development of a transmission infrastructure to connect rural sources to the urban users, often crossing local, state and regional jurisdictions along the way. The Carver Colloquium will feature former Colorado Governor Bill Ritter, Jr. and Robin Kundis Craig, Associate Dean of the Florida State University College of Law, who will present two models of governance that could overcome this challenge.
The Carver Colloquium is an annual event hosted by the Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute and Professor Jan Laitos, the John. A Carver, Jr. Chair at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. The Colloquium presents divergent or alternative viewpoints on cutting-edge issues in these fields in a point-counterpoint format.
Former Colorado Governor Ritter is the Director of the Center for the New Energy Economy (CNEE) at Colorado State University. Ritter was elected as Colorado's 41st governor in 2006 and established Colorado as a national and international leader in renewable energy by building a New Energy Economy that is creating thousands of new jobs and establishing hundreds of new companies. Ritter served as Denver's District Attorney from 1993 to January 2005, where he earned a national reputation as one of the country's most effective and innovative prosecutors, and several of his programs continue to serve as state and national models.
Robin Kundis Craig is the Attorney's Title Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Environmental Programs at Florida State University College of Law. She specializes in all things water, including the Clean Water Act, water law and the public trust doctrine, water resources and climate change and the intersection of water issues and land issues. She is the author of several books and over 50 law review articles and book chapters. Professor Craig also serves as Chair of the American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy, and Resources’ Marine Resources Committee. At Florida State, she teaches several courses and seminars, including: Environmental Law, Water Law, Civil Procedure, Property, International Biodiversity Law, and the Clean Water Act, as well as the Environmental and Land Use Law Certificate Seminar.
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