Denver Law's Legal Externship Program is regularly rated among the best in the nation. The Program is particularly strong in the context of providing a wide range of environmental and natural resources experiences.
Students in these types of externships benefit from learning "on the ground" about subjects they are studying in the classroom. Moreover, the externships often help students learn more about potential job opportunities.
In 2011, nearly three-quarters of all Denver Law JD students participated in an externship. Nearly half of Denver Law's LLM in Environmental and Natural Resouces Law students took part in an externship while 31 percent of Masters in Resource Law Studies students had an externship experience.
Don C. Smith, Director of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law program, said, "I hear over and over from our students how pleased they were with their externship experiences. For many students, this is a highlight of their study at Denver Law. It represents an opportunity for them to consolidate what they have learned in the classroom. As far many of our students and I are concerned, Denver Law has the finest environmental and natural resources law externship program in the nation."
Ann Vessels, Director of the Legal Externship program, said, "Denver Law is fortunate to be located in one of the premier legal centers in the world for the study and practice of environmental and natural resources law. Our students have the opportunity to work with leading federal, state and local government agencies, as well as international, national and local public interest organizations, and private law firms. One of our recent students described her experience this way:"
"This was the best experience I had in law school. The substantive work was both challenging and of significance to the office, so the bar was raised high. Working with a real client provided an invaluable bridge to the practice world one can’t get in a classroom. I worked on issues as varied as wind power development on federally managed lands and managing the size of the elk population on a federal refuge. The interaction with the attorneys in the office and the clients of the DOI was invaluable. My Mentor included me in every meeting or experience possible, and also offered great career advice." Kate Williams-Shuck, Externing with Dana Jacobsen, Department of the Interior, Solicitor’s Office, US Department of the Interior
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