Current CRES members can elect to be included in DUCRES provided they are part of the University of Denver community. This includes University of Denver staff, faculty, administrators, students, and recent alumni. Non-CRES members will have the opportunity to join at the February 16 event.
The event on February 16 will feature the Executive Director of CRES, Tony Frank, who will focus on efforts being made by CRES at the Colorado State Assembly and trends that are occurring in renewable energy incentives across the country. The public is encouraged to attend this event and anybody remotely interested in renewable energy should attend.
The free event, which will take place in room 165 of the Denver Law Ricketson Law Building, is from 6 to 8 p.m. February 16, 2012. Questions about DUCRES can be directed to Scott Thompson, sthompson12@law.du.edu.
Click here for a map to the DU campus and the Ricketson Law Building.
Thanks for getting this posted for us Don!