The ceremony will be this Saturday, the 18th from 10-12 PM and is open to all who wish to celebrate the graduates' success. There will be a reception immediately following the ceremony on the lawn in front of the law school or, if there is rain, it will be held inside the law school. (For more information, visit this website.)
The Spring 2013 Commencement ceremony will feature U.S. Senator Michael Bennet. Bennet has been a member of the U.S. Senate since 2009 and serves on the committees of agriculture; nutrition and forestry, health, education, labor and pensions; banking, housing and urban affairs; and the Special Committee on Aging. Bennet has pushed for increased investment into clean energy with the goal of creating jobs and reducing our reliance on foreign oil supplies.
Students celebrate graduation at Director Smith's house. |
Students celebrated their accomplishment with Director Don Smith and Administrative Director Lucy Daberkow during a brunch held at Smith's house. The students congratulated each other on their accomplishment and shared their plans for the future. Each graduate was given a commemorative mug with "DU Environmental and Natural Resources Law Program" written on it.
This year's graduating class has been a joy! Every student demonstrated an incredible work ethic and a powerful sense of personal motivation! The ENRGP Program is sure that each and every one of them will go on to accomplish great things with their lives. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors.
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